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Monday, October 17, 2011

Overwhelmed by Facebook

Logged on to Facebook after a very long time , most probably six months. And wow what an experience it has been, so is not the only site which has improved interface since the time I signed up. Am getting a feeling that my perceived failures have made me more introverted than before and visiting FB just exacerbates that feeling.

But is FB the benchmark I would like to keep to judge myself and while I am writing this I now hope that henceforth my posts are read by none because I have to make this into a personal diary which I can refer in the future, for all problems related to myself. So going back to what I did on while surfing through FB was looking at people's pictures whom I despise like hell, why do they have to display everything ? What happened to privacy ? Keep somethings to yourselves, lame, shallow and people with low self-esteem like me get jealous.

Someone is married to my school crush, man that hurt but what hurts even more is that they look good together and I wish they have an amazing married life. What I need to do next is the remove all those who are following my Blog, excuse me this is too personal and can and will be used against me everytime an opportunity presents itself. I hate the internet even more because it has created seamless linkages between everyone and everything that exists on this planet. God please shut down Google, Apple, Amazon, Twitter, Blackberry etc etc.

We need to go back to the days when we didn't so many sites to communicate, I reminisce about the days when I used to go downstairs to meet my friends and they didn't need any prior intimation, now we hardly meet  but keep ourselves updated via FB and even if we do manage to get-together, it is surely going on FB as a latest event. So I seriously doubt whether we have met to meet or met to put it on the net. Finally when I was done surfing through FB, I realised that people who are so addicted to FB are the ones who are afflicted to Update Syndrome and I am still pretty much doing okay for myself.

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